The Writers' Cafe

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Writing Across Borders" Film

I really enjoyed the film we watched in class on Tuesday. Prior to seeing this film, I had not given a lot of thought to how I would approach tutoring and/or teaching a writing class for international students. Like Amanda, I am also a strong advocate of grammar. It was wonderful to see how the professors interviewed for this film approached the subject of grammar: as a Lower Order Concern. These professors explained that, when it comes to evaluating an international student's writing, a tutor/teacher should ask the following questions:
How comprehensible is the writing? Is the grammar affecting the message that the student is trying to relate to readers? When it comes to correcting the grammar, how many errors really detract from meaning? It is important to hold international students to the same level as others in terms of quality of meaning and other Higher Order Concerns. It is also important to remember that writing is a process, one that will improve with practice and meaningful, encouraging feedback!


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